Shogren to deliver inaugural lecture as Beach distinguished professor

Karrie Shogren, director of the KU Center on Developmental Disabilities (KUCDD) will deliver her inaugural presentation as the Ross and Marianna Beach Distinguished Professor of Special Education at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14 in the Kansas Room of the KU Memorial Union.

"Karrie Shogren"

The talk, “Advancing Self-Determination: Building Systems of Support with the Disability Community,” will feature achievements around self-determination research and inclusive practices.

The event is open to the public; register to attend through the KU Office of Faculty Affairs. There will not be a virtual option but the talk will be recorded and made available later.

Shogren was named the Ross and Marianna Beach Distinguished Professor of Special Education in early 2023. In addition to her rank as a distinguished professor and as director of KUCDD, Shogren is a senior scientist at the Life Span Institute and is associate director of the Beach Center on Disability. A KU faculty member for 10 years, she was appointed by Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly to the Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities in 2019.